The Cigugur pond (Kolam Cigugur)

Sunan Gunung Jati promised his request, afterwards at the time of that was determined, in a place (that now is acknowledged as the Cigugur Pond) Ki Gedeng Padara disappeared with beforehand said two kalimah the Confession Of Faith to Sunan Gunung Jati.
Was located in the Cigugur District Cigugur Subdistrict, 3 Km from the Kuningan city to the west, or be at a distance 48 Km from the Cirebon City headed South.

There Wanayasa (Situ Wanayasa)

There Bagendit (Situ Bagendit)

There Cileunca (Situ Cileunca)

With the integrity from the nature panorama with the background of greenness of tea and quinine, was increased also by the existence of the old building the colonial time inheritance like guest house, administration's housing and Friendly the employees of the plantation, gardens and his roads of tea factories made this tour region become one of the choices of the important alternative in going on a trip in the area of the Bandung Regency.
There or the artificial lake that the width 1.400 ha this was surrounded hills with the yard of mountains with the interesting panorama. The Cileunca lake was multipurpose, apart from as the source of the generator of the electricity power, the source of the drinking water, also as the pleasant tourist attraction. There Cileunca was in the Pangalengan subdistrict was located 40 km next south the Bandung city, could be passed through with the route of Dayeuhkolot Banjaran-Cimaung-Pangalengan.
There Patenggang (Situ Patenggang)

The other interesting matter that could be enjoyed by the visitors in this region of the nature tourist attraction was each year to be held by the ritual agenda the culture syukuran that was carried out by the community around there patenggang, thank heavens this was done as the shape from the feeling of the love and the interest of the community in his ancestors's land. The activity that is carried out usually planting of the prospective crop in the island of the love and the dispersion of the prospective fish around the region There Patenggang.
Was located on the south of the Bandung city to be precise in the Rancabali plantation the Rancabali subdistrict the Bandung regency could be followed with the distance 47km from the Bandung city with time followed around two hours to three jam
The source of Cipanas Water (Sumber Air Cipanas)
The source of Cipanas water was located in the slope of the Thunder mountain of Garut Regency. The source of this hot water contained the usefulness cured various skin illnesses and rheumatism if being carried out by therapy in an orderly fashion. Many of the tourists came to this area for the aim of recuperation in the health field. In this area also was gotten by various activities of the tour that could be done by wistawan, among them: was submerged, hiking in the area of the slope of the mountain and rural areas, provoked the fish, and the activity paralayang.
The source of Cipanas Water The source of Cipanas water was located in the slope of the Thunder mountain of Garut Regency. The source of this hot water contained the usefulness cured various skin illnesses and rheumatism if being carried out by therapy in an orderly fashion. Many of the tourists came to this area for the aim of recuperation in the health field. In this area also was gotten by various activities of the tour that could be done by wistawan, among them: was submerged, hiking in the area of the slope of the mountain and rural areas, provoked the fish, and the activity paralayang.
Talaga Remis
Talaga Remis the draw was a nature lake that around it often was gotten by a kind of coloured shellfish yellow greenish. The name of the Remis Lake was taken from the name of a kind of shellfish that often occupied this lake.
Many tourist attractions that could be carried out in the area of this draw lake, like: rose the motorboat, the water bicycle, fished and tracking. The draw lake was very exact for the relaxed agenda with all the family, gemercik lake water, rerimbunan the natural tree and the original chirping of nature birds increased the climate of coolness in this area and his location in the Kaduela Village, Kecamatan Pasawahan, 37 Km from the Kuningan city to the side of the Cilimus Subdistrict
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